Immunicum har utvecklat ett unikt angreppssätt inom immunonkologi, Novartis har en fortsatt stark pipeline inom bröstcancer, som är den vanligaste 


This pipeline will also facilitate near- and long-term clinical development progress and value creation.In addition, as two synergistic organizations, Immunicum and DCprime will bring together and further develop strong in-house research and process development capabilities.Van Herk and AP4, two leading institutional investors, have expressed their support to the combined entity.For more

Pipeline. Clinical Trial Information. Expanded Access / Compassionate Use Policy. Immunicum is focused on demonstrating the therapeutic value of ilixadencel and DCP-001 through a broad clinical pipeline that supports a rapid path to commercialization and patient access. Immunicum’s Approach; Ilixadencel; Development Programs; Publications; Pipeline. Pipeline; Clinical Trial Information; Expanded Access / Compassionate Use Policy; Partnering; You are here: Home Pipeline Pipeline 20200828. Pipeline 20200828.

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Immunicums pipeline, klicka för större bild. Pipeline – identifiering av nästa generations cellterapier Under tiden kommer Immunicum att försöka utöka sin pipeline med målet att bli ett heltäckande cellterapibolag. För att möjliggöra detta kommer bolaget att fortsätta att drivs den prekliniska utvecklingspipelinen framåt samt söka efter ytterligare, potentiellt synergistiska cellterapier som kan komplettera ilixadencel. 2021-02-18 September 25, 2019 I Immunicum AB (publ) announced today the complete analysis of the topline data from the exploratory Phase II MERECA clinical trial.

The study's objective was to evaluate the therapeutic impact of combining ilixadencel with Sutent® (sunitinib). Press Release 30 September 2020 Immunicum AB Announces Update on Corporate and Clinical Development Strategy Immunicum AB announced today an update on the Company’s corporate and | … In December, Immunicum completed its merger with complementary biotech company DCprime, facilitated by the issuance of 73.9k new shares. This adds a novel allogeneic dendritic cell vaccine DCP-001 to the pipeline which is currently in a Phase II for AML. … Immunicum AB (publ; IMMU.ST) announced today the establishment of an updated executive management team following the initial integration period of the business combination with DCprime that was completed in December 2020..

Immunicum has received Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for ilixadencel. Ilixadencel is a cell-based, off-the-shelf immune primer, for the treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS).

Welcome to Immunicum's Investor Relations pages! Here you can find information which may be of interest to shareholders, analysts and other stakeholders. If you need more information or have any questions, please contact Sijme Zeilemaker, Head of Investor Relations and Communication. Tel: +46 (0)8 732 8400 E-post: Immunicum is leveraging its unparalleled expertise in dendritic cell biology to develop novel, off-the-shelf, cell-based therapies for solid and blood-borne tumors.

ELC-100 (AdVince): Godkänt produktpatent i USA (exklusiv global licens från Immunicum AB). ELC-301 (nästa generations CAR T-celler, initialt för behandling​ 

Recently, the immuno-oncology company also received feedback from both the FDA and EMA to further support […] From its current position, Immunicum has the chance to establish long-term growth opportunities, including leveraging a specific strategy to move ilixadencel to patients faster and expanding its clinical pipeline to include synergistic cell therapies. Immunicum’s corporate and clinical development strategy 2016-05-17 ROCKVILLE, MD – May 18, 2016 – Accelovance, Inc. (Accelovance), a global contract research organization (CRO) focusing in vaccines, oncology, and general medicine announced today their collaboration with Immunicum AB (publ) to provide expertise and knowledge to advance Immunicum’s INTUVAX treatment in kidney cancer and melanoma in the United States.

Immunicum kan stoltsera med en intressant pipeline innehållande tre kandidater. Immunicum​.
Elisabeth knutsson skara

Immunicum pipeline

Immunicum’s lead candidate, ilixadencel, just got a big boost in its development by being granted regenerative medicine advanced therapy designation by the FDA. The regulatory measure is designed to get promising new cell or gene therapies to market faster, and a clear signal that the FDA sees high potential in ilixadencel. 2020-12-08 STOCKHOLM, Sweden I February 22, 2021 I Immunicum AB (publ) today announced updated survival data from the Company’s randomized Phase II MERECA trial evaluating its off-the-shelf immune primer, ilixadencel, in combination with sunitinib in the first-line treatment of newly diagnosed patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). Clinical Pipeline Update The combination of Immunicum and DCprime will enable the newly unified organization to advance a synergistic pipeline spanning both large and orphan indications in solid as well as blood-borne tumors, with two programs in Phase II clinical development and multiple near-term value inflection points as well as a portfolio of preclinical programs and research capabilities 2021-03-07 As one organization, Immunicum and DCprime can effectively and strategically develop the combined pipeline of novel, next-generation, off-the-shelf cell-based therapies to treat both solid and blood-borne tumors, extending the breadth of therapeutic impact as well as the total number of cancer patients these treatments could aid.

Immunicum’s corporate and clinical development strategy 2016-05-17 ROCKVILLE, MD – May 18, 2016 – Accelovance, Inc. (Accelovance), a global contract research organization (CRO) focusing in vaccines, oncology, and general medicine announced today their collaboration with Immunicum AB (publ) to provide expertise and knowledge to advance Immunicum’s INTUVAX treatment in kidney cancer and melanoma in the United States. 2021-04-12 Reportstack has announced a new market research publication on Immunicum AB - Product Pipeline Review - 2013 which provides data on the Immunicum AB’s research and development focus. The report includes information on current developmental pipeline, complete with latest updates, and features on discontinued and dormant projects. Immunicum AB (publ) Provides Additional Information on the Proposed Transaction and Virtual Investor Event Summary.
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Mar 5, 2021 With its oligonucleotide therapy pipeline for rare muscle diseases in Peter Suenaert, who sticks with Immunicum as a clinical advisor. Rovers' 

Articles of Association; General meeting; Board of directors; Corporate governance reports Following the merger, Immunicum is a company with a rich, advanced clinical pipeline, in-house research and process development capabilities and leading science in allogeneic dendritic cell biology, putting us in a position of strength to build a global biopharmaceutical company in the field of cancer immunotherapies. Efter samgåendet är Immunicum ett bolag med en bred klinisk pipeline, egen forskning och processutvecklingskapacitet samt ledande inom forskningsområdet allogen dendritcellsbiologi. Sammantaget innebär detta att vi är välpositionerade för att skapa ett globalt biofarmaceutiskt bolag inom fältet immunterapier för behandling av cancer. Developing innovative cancer immunotherapies.

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Med en gemensam organisation kan Immunicum och DCprime effektivt och strategiskt utveckla den kombinerade pipelinen med unika, nästa generations lagringsbara (eng. off-the-shelf) cellbaserade terapier för att kunna behandla både solida och hematologiska tumörer, vilket breddar det kliniska värdet och det totala antalet cancerpatienter som är möjliga att behandla.

Press releases. Choose which language you would like to receive the press release in: Swedish Immunicum’s Approach; Ilixadencel; DCP-001; Publications; Pipeline.